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What is Reiki?

“Rei” means “universal” or spiritually guided and “Ki” is “life force energy.” Reiki promotes deep relaxation and thus supports the body’s innate healing abilities.

Reiki is utilized by massage therapists, nurses, acupuncturists, counselors, estheticians, and yoga teachers. Others learn Reiki to give treatments to their family, friends, and pets and to practice self-Reiki.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and energy balancing. In the practice of Reiki, this spiritual energy is utilized for energy balancing via in-person or long-distance treatments.

Reiki has branched off into many directions, but Reiki is Reiki. The branches are of the same tree. The important thing is finding a Reiki Teacher whom you feel a connection and resonate with.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is deeply restorative, empowering, and balancing. It reduces stress and facilitates healing and personal growth. It has a positive effect – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is centering and increases intuition.

Are there any prerequisites to taking a Reiki class?

There isn’t anything you need to read or learn ahead of time to take my Reiki I/II classes. All that is truly required is simply having an interest in or being drawn to Reiki. Some students have experienced Reiki treatment before attending a workshop and other students experience receiving Reiki for the first time in class.

Is meditation a part of Reiki?

You’ll be guided into meditation before each of your Reiki attunements, yet you don’t need to have ANY prior experience with meditation. It’s perfectly okay if you are new to meditation and don’t have any prior Reiki experience.

Is Reiki hard to learn?

The beauty of Reiki is that it is a simple, yet profound system of healing that anyone can learn to practice. We all have a natural instinct for tapping into spiritual healing.

Reiki works even if you have doubts about your abilities and you feel like nothing or not much is happening. (When I first started practicing Reiki I had doubts about whether much of anything was happening, but my Reiki clients kept coming back because they loved it).

What are Reiki attunements?

Attunements are a special process that awakens students to Reiki energy. For each level of Reiki, you’ll be guided into a deeply relaxing meditation and receive an attunement.

Is it better to learn Reiki online or take Reiki training in person?
I’ve been teaching Reiki for over 5 years in-person until COVID-19 forced me to teach online. The great news is learning Reiki LIVE online is just as powerful and remote Reiki is so amazing in an online class.

What will I learn in your Reiki classes?

  • You’ll experience a healing environment and be supported in building your confidence in your practice of Reiki.

  • Reiki I gives you the foundation for all of Reiki and teaches you how to put Reiki into practice. You learn the hand positions for self-treatment and for working on others. Experiential components include the Reiki I attunement, self-Reiki, and hands-on practice.

  • In Reiki II you learn the power, harmony, and connection symbols. You also learn how to do long-distance Reiki. Experiential components include learning/drawing the symbols, guided remotely/long-distance Reiki practice, and the Reiki II attunement.

  • Reiki Master is the highest level for practicing Reiki. The experiential components include the Master attunement, receiving the Master symbol, and learning and practicing Energetic Release Technique.

  • The Reiki Teacher training is not just for people who want to teach Reiki. In this class, you go behind the scenes of giving an attunement and get to practice the attunements with a classmate. Get a 360-degree viewpoint on just how transformative Reiki is. Learn how to teach Reiki one-on-one or in small groups, online or in-person. Take this class to enhance your Reiki practice or get started with teaching a Reiki I class or a Reiki self-care class.

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