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Reiki Books For Beginners

Updated: May 9, 2023

Reiki books are an excellent way to explore different perspectives through your own voice.

Knowledge is power and a crucial part of our development.

This article is designed to help practitioners find the best Reiki books for their level and add another brick to their temple of wisdom.

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If you’re a beginner looking to learn more about the hands-on method, this guide is a great starting point. It leaves out any modern approach to Reiki and only focuses on the basics.

It really is a reflection of the techniques presented inside. Its power lies in its simplicity, just like Reiki.

One useful section is about how to address a few physical functional disorders. You learn what hand positions to use and why.

Even today, after so many years of practice, I discover something new each time I revisit specific sections of the book. This happens because I understand things differently today than I did when I first read it. I find a lot of value in this exercise, and I encourage you to do the same.

As a side note: this is not Mikao Usui’s book, but it is considered to have been built on some of his original notes.

Reiki books Reiki Healing For Beginners: The Practical Guide With Remedies For 100+ Ailments

This book really changed my perspective on how a Reiki book for beginners should look like.

Even though some information could be placed in the intermediate section, I still believe the author did a great job of presenting everything in an easy-to-understand format.

It’s like a knowledge journey through Reiki’s history and all the way to the benefits it brings. On the way, you learn how to use Reiki for different physical and emotional imbalances.

The bottom line, it’s a well-written book that any beginner can benefit from.

YOUR SEVEN ENERGY CENTERS: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Vitality

by Elizabeth Claire Prophet

This is a wonderful choice for anyone looking to learn how the energetic system influences our physical body. It’s a great guide regardless of the spiritual practice you perform.

The book explains, in detail, what each chakra is responsible for, and the elements it resonates with. You learn how to activate and use them to improve your life.

While it has all the ingredients needed to get started, and more, it’s easy to follow and understand.

The Reiki Bible: The Definitive Guide To Healing With Energy

– by Eleanor McKenzie

This Reiki book focuses mostly on the practice and its benefits. It’s a perfect fit for someone with level 1 who wants to strengthen her/his knowledge.

But that’s not all. Once you get more experienced, there are also some high-quality descriptions of how to practice Reiki with advanced techniques.

It follows a traditional approach and helps the reader implement the essential knowledge. This leads to a proper understanding of self-treatment based on intention, disciple, and practice.

Therefore it’s a useful guide to have excellent support to come back to each time you feel the need for a refresher.

Self-Healing with Reiki: How to Create Wholeness, Harmony & Balance for Body, Mind & Spirit

by Penelope Quest

An amazing read, especially for a Reiki level 1 student.

It focuses more on healing methods rather than complicated techniques and makes the practice really easy to understand.

The book is split into 4 sections, offering a balanced and gradual learning experience.

  • The first part emphasizes that true healing comes first from within. By acknowledging that everything has a spiritual cause, you can bring the real root of the problem to the surface and heal it;

  • The second part explains the process of self-treatment through the power of universal energy;

  • The third part focuses on the importance of healing the physical, mental, and emotional levels;

  • The last part explores the idea that Reiki is more than just a way to find balance in the physical plane, but an engine for spiritual growth;

The Essence of Reiki 1: Usui Reiki 1 Manual | Practitioner Level (The Essence or Reiki)

by Garry Malone

This Reiki book is ideal for beginners who wish to get more in-depth with level 1.

Although it does offer a comprehensive history, it does not overdo it with boring details.

This is also a very good read for those of you who want to understand what Reiki is before going through the attunement process.

Each Reiki Master has different ways of teaching. This is a good thing because we get to experience variation in our learning journey.

NOTE: This book might be out of print, but the Kindle version is available. If you do have a local bookstore with a section for “spirituality” then it’s a good idea to ask there as well.

Kindle is my favorite medium for reading. Even though I love owning physical books, it’s something about this device that makes me want more.

Here are a few key elements that make me a fan.

  • Adjust the intensity of the light to your needs. It’s often a challenge to find good lightning when you read a physical book. The natural light is a blessing, but that only lasts for so long. A Kindle device solves this problem most of the time;

  • It’s lightweight and can be easily stored. For one reason or another, this feature enables people to read more;

  • One of my favorites is the display. It resembles a regular piece of paper that is very pleasant to the eyes in natural light;

I still read physical books from time to time, especially those I really want to own and make notes on. But I can’t stay away from my Kindle device for too long. The easiness of using it adds a different flavor to the overall reading experience.

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